
Diversity Policy

Statement of Principle

EcoClaim aims to create a workplace and learning environment where diversity is encouraged and in which every member of the firm and every student can realize his or her or their potential for excellence.

This policy is intended to guarantee equal opportunities for all firm members including students, staff, associates, and partners.

Discrimination on the grounds of race, religious beliefs, colour, gender, physical disability, mental disability, age, ancestry, place of origin, marital status, sexual orientation, source of income or family status is prohibited by the Alberta Human Rights, Citizenship and Multiculturalism Act and the Alberta Professional Code of Conduct, and is expressly prohibited at EcoClaim, in any work-related activity, or in any of the firm’s employment or recruitment practices.

EcoClaim acknowledges that barriers to equality are often systemic; that discriminatory practices and attitudes are often entrenched as custom within workplaces and institutions, and are not recognized as harmful; and that sometimes, employees and students must be treated differently in order to achieve substantive equality.

EcoClaim has undertaken a critical examination of its policies and practices, and will take positive measures to ensure that employment terms with the firm and education opportunities for students are implemented in accordance with equality principles for all employees and prospective students and employees.

Right to Equal Opportunities and Commitment to Diversity and Anti-Discrimination

Applicants for employment, employees and students have a legal right to equal opportunities at EcoClaim.

EcoClaim prohibits any treatment which has a discriminatory effect on anyone in respect of his or her race, religious beliefs, colour, gender, physical disability, mental disability, age, ancestry, place of origin, marital status, sexual orientation, source of income or family status.

The firm is committed to the identification and elimination of barriers to employment, or to success in employment, education or personal advancement that adversely affect any member of the firm, candidate for employment with the firm or student of the firm, based on the grounds of race, religious beliefs, colour, gender, physical disability, mental disability, age, ancestry, place of origin, marital status, sexual orientation, source of income or family status.

The firm retains the ability to have special programs that aim to enhance employment opportunities at the firm for those who are in groups that have faced restrictions in the past.

Where students are invited to participate in activities, the firm will inform all students of these activities at the earliest opportunity, in recognition of the fact that some candidates will have family, work, religious, and other responsibilities to arrange for in order to attend.

EcoClaim is committed to taking steps to promote diversity at our company. Therefore, where job candidates, recruits, or students seeking professional enrichment or promotion are equal in their qualifications preference should be given to a candidate from a group traditionally underrepresented in the firm.

Complaint Procedures

Where a member of the firm, an applicant for employment, a student, client or partner believes that there has been a failure or breach of the policy, he or she should remit a written complaint to 

The firm will treat all such complaints in a serious manner, will investigate all formal complaints, and will discipline any person found in breach of this policy without regard to his or her status within the firm.


EcoClaim has adopted a policy of zero tolerance towards discrimination and all barriers to equal opportunity.

To support values of equality and diversity the firm will apply those values in its own employment decisions.

EcoClaim will review this policy on an annual basis and revise it as necessary to ensure that it is accomplishing its goal.