
in the Insurance Indsusry

Why is sustainability so important in insurance? The prevalence and extremity of climate-accelerated catastrophes is on the rise, resulting in an increase in the frequency and severity of insurance claims. This, combined with the rapid onset of Scope 3 reporting and disclosure requirements, intensifies the need for insurers and all members of their value chains to focus on climate leadership.

Prepare for

Globally, governments are enacting or preparing to enact emissions reporting requirements for financial institutions including, insurers. EcoClaim offers an all-in-one ecosystem that helps insurers comply with imminent regulations and work toward Net Zero targets.  

EcoClaim Certified
Contractor Network

Access EcoClaim’s certified contractor network. Certified contractors are trained in emissions data collection, reducing debris material to lanfill and operating TRAX software. They share the goals and values of insurers working toward Net Zero operations. 

Scope 3 Emissions Reporting

EcoClaim’s TRAX software enables accurate GhG emissions reporting across the entire property claims network. Including restoration contractors, MGA’s, adjusters, specialists and insurers. It enables user adoption by tieing  in with existing business tools, like Encircle and Xactimate. 

Sustainability in the Insurance Industry

EcoClaim helps the insurance industry meet climate goals and obligations. It’s agnostic ecosystem enables effective collaboration across supply chains, with CE credit eligible training, emissions reporting software, certified contractors, and helpful resources. Join the movement and make your claims, eco claims.  

Insurer Journey

Product Demo

Learn about EcoClaim’s end-to-end software, training and certification solutions. 

Plan a Pilot Project

Work with EcoClaim to plan a custom pilot project for your firm to test product fit. 


Work with EcoClaim’s success coaches to implement TRAX software for your firm. 

Adopt TRAX

Discover the power of TRAX dashboards, customizable reports and streamline your Scope 3 emissions reporting.  

Comply with Emissions Reporting Requirements

Get real data, action and results across the entire supply chain.