
Training &
Insurance companies are under increasing pressure to meet new ESG regulations and address sustainability trends. To bridge the knowledge gap, EcoClaim offers comprehensive training specifically designed for the insurance industry.
Training Programs
Programs cover essential areas such as understanding evolving sustainability legislation and its impact on the insurance sector, implementing sustainable claims management, discussing the importance of measuring and disclosing sustainability performance, identifying Scope 1, 2, and 3 sources of greenhouse gas (GhG) emissions, and explaining the impact of evolving reporting requirements on all areas of the supply chain.
EcoClaim certification goes beyond just education—it’s a multi-year commitment to sustainability. Our program is designed to guide participants through a gradual adoption process, making it easier to integrate sustainable practices into existing workflows. This approach ensures consistency across the supply chain, helping firms and individuals maintain a focused and systematic approach to sustainability over time.
Benefits of Certification
Certification from EcoClaim signals a serious, ongoing dedication to environmental sustainability, not a one-time effort.
TRAX Data Outputs
TRAX dashboards offer a clear view of contractor performance and overall sustainability efforts. When combined with EcoClaim Training and Certification, TRAX equips all supply chain stakeholders—including insurers, MGAs, brokers, adjusters, specialized experts, and contractors—with the necessary tools and knowledge to successfully implement sustainable practices, ensuring that GhG emissions are measured, managed, and reduced at every level.
The Path from Benchmark Data to Actual Data
Using TRAX creates a pathway for insurance companies to transition from benchmarked scope 3 data on claims to actual emissions data on claims. This change is critical to allow insurance companies to elevate their reporting with reliable Scope 3 data that aligns with future regulatory requirements and have access to data is not only accurate but also practical in guiding business decisions.
Cost Savings on Claims
TRAX supports cost savings on claims by improving operational efficiency, minimizing waste, and avoiding expensive replacements, making it an essential tool for both driving down claims costs and increasing sustainability.

GhG Management
EcoClaim TRAX is a powerful software tool for insurers and their supply chains to measure, manage, and reduce carbon emissions associated with insurance claims.

Exchange & Eco Essentials
EcoClaim is preparing for the launch of a carbon exchange platform to facilitate the purchase of high-quality, verified carbon offsets. We plan to tokenize carbon insets quantified through TRAX carbon avoidance software.
The Eco Essentials Store is a marketplace for sustainable goods and services that support our clients and their efforts to measure, manage and reduce their emissions. Find everything from debris measurement tools, to reusable debris bags on our exchange.
Eco Essentials Store
EcoClaim Exchange is a marketplace for sustainable goods and services that support our clients and their efforts to measure, manage and reduce their emissions. Find everything from high quality carbon offsets to the tools you need to measure, manage and reduce carbon emissions on our exchange.
EcoClaim's Carbon Exchange
Through the EcoClaim Carbon Exchange, we provide high-quality carbon offsets that enable companies to reach net zero after measuring and reducing their carbon footprints. The EcoClaim Exchange serves as a crucial resource for all stakeholders in the insurance supply chain—insurers, MGAs, brokers, adjusters, specialized experts, contractors, and recyclers—helping them access the goods and services they need to advance their sustainability efforts and reduce their carbon footprints.
EcoClaim's Future Vision
Our future vision is to turn carbon into currency by documenting and aggregating avoided emissions to create carbon offsets or carbon credits, providing even more opportunities for stakeholders to benefit from their sustainability initiatives.