Climate Action

for Recyclers

Diverting recyclable materials from the landfill is a large part of EcoClaim’s mission. Reach our restoration contractor network and get more material for your recycling plant.

Why Property Claims Matter to Recyclers

Property claims generate more GhG emissions than air travel. Governments are implementing emissions reporting mandates. Insurers are losing money due to climate change. All this to say, the property claims network cares deeply about climate change, and recyclers are part of the solution.

Reach a Captive Audience

EcoClaim certified contractors are actively seeking local recycling options. Whether you recycle one waste stream or many, joining EcoClaim as a certified recycler allows you to get in front of those actively seeking alternative waste material management solutions.

Marketing Benefits

Certified recyclers receive marketing support, dsitributed to EcoClaims certified contractor and insurer networks. Included in each paid package is; digital banner ad promotion on the EcoClaim recyclers directory, priority directory placement, a newsletter and social post feature.

Join the Movement

EcoClaim is working hard to make small changes that add up to a big difference across the property claims network. Become a certified recycler today and be a part of the movement toward climate leadership.