Solutions Will Construction Recycling Credits


Minimum 50 tonnes

Will Solutions is a Canadian entity that produces high-quality greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction credits. Founded in 2007, they’ve developed a Verra-certified methodology called the Sustainable Community. This community is made up of various members (SMBs, municipalities, factories, etc.) who share the goal of reducing their GHG emissions, but can’t due to cost restrictions.

Will Solutions guides members free of charge on a customized GHG reduction journey, recommending projects in renewable energies, energy efficiency and waste management—all initiatives that reduce a carbon footprint. Once implemented, Will Solutions measures the resulting GHG reductions and converts them into high-quality, measurable, and auditable carbon credits available for sale, with 80% of the proceeds returned to members.

In this way, these carbon credits contribute to the local economy as well as allow Will Solutions to expand the Sustainable Community to other areas, enabling more members to join and increasing GHG reductions that would not have taken place without the ability to offset their cost.

WILL plays an active part in a green economy by embodying, through its SC solution, several of the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).