Carbon Exchange & Eco Essentials Store
EcoClaim is preparing for the launch of a carbon exchange platform to facilitate the purchase of high-quality, verified carbon offsets. This does not negate the importance of GhG reductions and avoidance; however, it recognizes that companies that seek to achieve carbon neutrality or net zero targets, will seek carbon offsets –and they may prefer to do business with suppliers that are also net zero.
Utilizing EcoClaim’s Carbon Exchange reduces reputational risk for insurance companies associated with purchase of poor-quality offsets by supply chain vendors. EcoClaim’s Carbon Exchange minimizes this risk by providing a system of due diligence to qualify offsets and provide quality assurance to both purchasers and their upstream value chain partners.
Currently, EcoClaim offers a comprehensive marketplace for sustainable goods and services that support efforts to measure, manage and reduce emissions. Find everything from reusable debris bags, to EcoClaim fleet decals to debris measureing tools.

Did You Know
In the future, EcoClaim plans to tokenize carbon insets quantified though our TRAX carbon avoidance tracking software. These tokenized insets are designed for insurers seeking verified reductions to support net zero targets.